Key Usage Table

keycodekeycodeusage namekeycodekeycodeusage name
0x00000Reserved0x76118Keyboard Menu
0x01001Keyboard Error Roll Over0x77119Keyboard Select
0x02002Keyboard POST Fail0x78120Keyboard Stop
0x03003Keyboard Error Undefined0x79121Keyboard Again
0x04004Keyboard a and A0x7A122Keyboard Undo
0x05005Keyboard b and B0x7B123Keyboard Cut
0x06006Keyboard c and C0x7C124Keyboard Copy
0x07007Keyboard d and D0x7D125Keyboard Paste
0x08008Keyboard e and E0x7E126Keyboard Find
0x09009Keyboard f and F0x7F127Keyboard Mute
0x0A010Keyboard g and G0x80128Keyboard VolumeUp
0x0B011Keyboard h and H0x81129Keyboard VolumeDown
0x0C012Keyboard i and I0x82130Keyboard Locking CapsLock
0x0D013Keyboard j and J0x83131Keyboard Locking NumLock
0x0E014Keyboard k and K0x84132Keyboard Locking ScrollLock
0x0F015Keyboard l and L0x85133Keypad Comma
0x10016Keyboard m and M0x86134Keypad EqualSign
0x11017Keyboard n and N0x87135Keyboard International 1
0x12018Keyboard o and O0x88136Keyboard International 2
0x13019Keyboard p and P0x89137Keyboard International 3
0x14020Keyboard q and Q0x8A138Keyboard International 4
0x15021Keyboard r and R0x8B139Keyboard International 5
0x16022Keyboard s and S0x8C140Keyboard International 6
0x17023Keyboard t and T0x8D141Keyboard International 7
0x18024Keyboard u and U0x8E142Keyboard International 8
0x19025Keyboard v and V0x8F143Keyboard International 9
0x1A026Keyboard w and W0x90144Keyboard LANG 1
0x1B027Keyboard x and X0x91145Keyboard LANG 2
0x1C028Keyboard y and Y0x92146Keyboard LANG 3
0x1D029Keyboard z and Z0x93147Keyboard LANG 4
0x1E030Keyboard 1 and !0x94148Keyboard LANG 5
0x1F031Keyboard 2 and @0x95149Keyboard LANG 6
0x20032Keyboard 3 and #0x96150Keyboard LANG 7
0x21033Keyboard 4 and $0x97151Keyboard LANG 8
0x22034Keyboard 5 and %0x98152Keyboard LANG 9
0x23035Keyboard 6 and ˆ0x99153Keyboard Alternate Erase
0x24036Keyboard 7 and &0x9A154Keyboard SysReq/Attention
0x25037Keyboard 8 and *0x9B155Keyboard Cancel
0x26038Keyboard 9 and (0x9C156Keyboard Clear
0x27039Keyboard 0 and )0x9D157Keyboard Prior
0x28040Keyboard Return (ENTER)0x9E158Keyboard Return
0x29041Keyboard ESCAPE0x9F159Keyboard Separator
0x2A042Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)0xA0160 Keyboard Out
0x2B043Keyboard Tab0xA1161Keyboard Oper
0x2C044Keyboard Spacebar0xA2162Keyboard Clear/Again
0x2D045Keyboard - and (underscore)0xA3163Keyboard CrSel/Props
0x2E046Keyboard = and +0xA4164Keyboard ExSel
0x2F047Keyboard [ and {0xA5165Reserved
0x30048Keyboard ] and }0xA6166Reserved
0x31049Keyboard \and|0xA7167Reserved
0x32050Keyboard Non-US # and ˜0xA8168Reserved
0x33051Keyboard ; and :0xA9169Reserved
0x34052Keyboard ‘ and “0xAA170Reserved
0x35053Keyboard ^ and ˜0xAB171Reserved
0x36054Keyboard , and <0xAC172Reserved
0x37055Keyboard . and >0xAD173Reserved
0x38056Keyboard / and ?0xAE174Reserved
0x39057Keyboard CapsLock0xAF175Reserved
0x3A058Keyboard F10xB0176Keypad 00
0x3B059Keyboard F20xB1177Keypad 000
0x3C060Keyboard F30xB2178Thousands Separator
0x3D061Keyboard F40xB3179Decimal Separator
0x3E062Keyboard F50xB4180Currency Unit
0x3F063Keyboard F60xB5181Currency Sub-unit
0x40064Keyboard F70xB6182Keypad (
0x41065Keyboard F80xB7183Keypad )
0x42066Keyboard F90xB8184Keypad {
0x43067Keyboard F100xB9185Keypad }
0x44068Keyboard F110xBA186Keypad Tab
0x45069Keyboard F120xBB187Keypad Backspace
0x46070Keyboard PrintScreen0xBC188Keypad A
0x47071Keyboard ScrollLock0xBD189Keypad B
0x48072Keyboard Pause0xBE191Keypad C
0x49073Keyboard Insert0xBF192Keypad D
0x4A074Keyboard Home0xC0193Keypad E
0x4B075Keyboard PageUp0xC1194Keypad F
0x4C076Keyboard Delete Forward0xC2190Keypad XOR
0x4D077Keyboard End0xC3195Keypad ^
0x4E078Keyboard PageDown0xC4196Keypad %
0x4F079Keyboard RightArrow0xC5197Keypad <
0x50080Keyboard LeftArrow0xC6198Keypad >
0x51081Keyboard DownArrow0xC7199Keypad &
0x52082Keyboard UpArrow0xC8200Keypad &&
0x53083Keypad NumLock and Clear0xC9201Keypad |
0x54084Keypad /0xCA202Keypad ||
0x55085Keypad *0xCB203Keypad :
0x56086Keypad -0xCC204Keypad #
0x57087Keypad +0xCD205Keypad Space
0x58088Keypad ENTER0xCE206Keypad @
0x59089Keypad 1 and End0xCF207Keypad !
0x5A090Keypad 2 and DownArrow0xD0208Keypad Memory Store
0x5B091Keypad 3 and PageDn0xD1209Keypad Memory Recall
0x5C092Keypad 4 and LeftArrow0xD2210Keypad Memory Clear
0x5D093Keypad 50xD3211Keypad Memory Add
0x5E094Keypad 6 and RightArrow0xD4212Keypad Memory Subtract
0x5F095Keypad 7 and Home0xD5213Keypad Memory Multiply
0x60096Keypad 8 and UpArrow0xD6214Keypad Memory Divide
0x61097Keypad 9 and PageUp0xD7215Keypad +/-
0x62098Keypad 0 and Insert0xD8216Keypad Clear
0x63099Keypad . and Delete0xD9217Keypad ClearEntry
0x64100Keyboard Non-US \ and |0xDA218Keypad Binary
0x65101Keyboard Application0xDB219Keypad Octal
0x66102Keyboard Power0xDC220Keypad Decimal
0x67103Keypad =0xDD221Keypad Hexadecimal
0x68104Keyboard F130xDE222Reserved
0x69105Keyboard F140xDF223Reserved
0x6A106Keyboard F150xE0224Keyboard Left Control
0x6B107Keyboard F160xE1225Keyboard Left Shift
0x6C108Keyboard F170xE2226Keyboard Left Alt
0x6D109Keyboard F180xE3227Keyboard Left GUI
0x6E110Keyboard F190xE4228Keyboard Right Control
0x6F111Keyboard F200xE5229Keyboard Right Shift
0x70112Keyboard F210xE6230Keyboard Right Alt
0x71113Keyboard F220xE7231Keyboard Right GUI
0x72114Keyboard F230xE8232Reserved
0x73115Keyboard F240xE9233Reserved
0x74116Keyboard Execute......Reserved
0x75117Keyboard Help0xFF255Reserved